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Venice, Italy

Our next stop on our Italy trip was Venice, Italy! This was particularly exciting for me because Venice is where my parents got engaged. We took a four hour bus ride from Milan to Venice, and were dropped off at the Venice port, where we took our first of many water taxis to our hotel. We got a great deal, and our hotel was super affordable but also located right in the center of Venice.

We stepped off the water taxi and the first thing I laid my eyes on was the Rialto Bridge, which is the most famous bridge in Venice and also the bridge where my Dad proposed to my Mom. After checking in and once again eating another delicious Italian meal, we made our way to the Rialto Bridge. Once we arrived, I went up to the 23rd step, which is the exact location of my parents proposal and took a picture, which I'm sure they both loved seeing!

Venice is quite the confusing place to get around, so for most of our time we just walked around the different areas of Venice and visited different famous locations. One of my favorite parts our Venice trip was when we explored Piazza San Marco, which is also known as St. Marks Square. The Piazzo San Marco is known as the principal public square of Venice, Italy, and connect the social, political and religious aspects of Venetian culture together. The largest building in St. Marks Square, is the St. Mark's Basilica, which is the Cathedral church of the Roman Catholic Church of Venice, Italy. The Cathedral is a perfect representation of the Italian Byzantine architecture found throughout Venice.

My favorite part of Venice was going on a gondola ride with my friends in the Venice canals! We went at just the right time, and were able to see a beautiful Venice sunset on the water, which is one of the most beautiful sites I have ever seen in my life, and probably will ever see. Overall Venice was absolutely spectacular and I would love to go again someday soon.

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